
Coastline Concierge Blog

2019 is here! Wow, just like that…the holidays are over and its time for new goals, resolutions and all that goes with the beginning of a new year. Other than the weather (but we can’t complain much here, it was 83 degrees on New Years Day!) I enjoy the fresh start. Its time to re-focus and even if you don’t keep all of your resolutions, just making the effort and keeping one or two is an achievement!

With that being said, what better time to start on the project/s you have been putting off? If you are a procrastinator and still haven’t packed Christmas away, we can help! For first time clients who sign up for a min. of 3 months for one of our monthly packages, we will offer a 10%  discount. We are also happy to announce we are partnering with Go 2 Girl Savannah to offer you more extensive cleaning options and a great new service of meal planning and prepping. Contact Jane for more info.

Here is a link to a guide to getting organized that you might enjoy and get some tips from reading.

As always, Keep Calm And Call A Concierge! Happy 2019!


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